⏰ Real-time programming primer

It’s hard to explain what is “real time programming” and how to do it. Instead, we’ll show some “everyday” code that is not “real time” and how to go about making it “real time”. As we’ll see, no, it’s not enough just to avoid dynamic memory allocation - it’s not even required.

Real-time: what is it?

There are several definitions of this. None are very good, frankly. Even the term itself is severely lacking. I mean, if some programs are “real-time”, what are the others? “Unreal-time”?

In general, a real-time program (software) deals with some real-world events and needs to respond to those in a defined time (“deadline”). Real-world is taken broadly here, passage of time is also a “real-world” event.

Think of an elevator controller, it responds to passengers pressing buttons and opening/closing doors and if it doesn’t stop the elevator in time, it may miss the floor, or worse.

OK, what’s so special about real-time SW?

There are a few points of interest:

  1. RTSW must not crash or otherwise stop performing the main features (sure, playing music can stop, but, not the elevator control)
  2. it can’t degrade performance “below” deadline
  3. it usually works “non-stop”, 24x7, unless in maintenance mode
  4. it’s often also embedded, that is, has constrained memory, CPU and other resources
  5. Often, there are no “Back-ups” and even if there are, the “take-over” has to be performed quickly and without “going beyond deadlines”, though, some delay might be acceptable at certain points in time. Since most people sleep at 04:00, it’s OK to update the elevator SW at that time. The one party girl that’s coming home at that time can wait a few minutes (or, better yet, start making better life choices).

How is this different from a Web server?

Web servers, well, at least the successful ones, deal with high volume of transactions. Sure, it’s better that they don’t consume much resources, don’t crash, etc., but, it’s acceptable to have some degradation of performance once-in-a-while. Also, usually there are a lot of backups.

For example, Facebook actually does upgrades by deploying new code to a subset of servers, which is thousands, then waits a while to see if something crashes or fundamental features don’t work. Obviously, often it does, they roll back and fix the issues before having another go at it. You can’t do that in an elevator.

How does one go about writing RTSW?

Let’s start with our primer. We’ll take a pretty “bland” piece of code, a “delete directory function” that’s “unreal time” SW and then transform it.

Delete directory, everyday-style

Let’s assume that our directory deletion is crucial to the real-time performance of some RT system. It’s hard to imagine that being the case for an elevator, but, elevator is not the only RT system, just the one we like to abuse.

Here is the “everyday” code, in C (most RTSW is written in C), using POSIX API for directory traversal:

int delete_dir(char const* dirname)
    int  rslt = -1;
    DIR* dir  = opendir(dirstack);
    if (NULL == dir) {
        return -1;
    do {
        char           f[MAX_PATH + 1];
        struct stat    statbuf;
        struct dirent* entry = readdir(dir);
        if (NULL == entry) {
        if (!strcmp(entry->d_name, ".")
            || !strcmp(entry->d_name, "..")) {
            f, sizeof f, "%s/%s", dirname, entry->d_name);
        rslt = stat(f, &statbuf);
        if (0 == rslt) {
            if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {
                rslt = delete_dir(f);
            else {
                rslt = remove(f);
    } while (0 == rslt);


    return rslt;

Obviously, we don’t do much in the way of error handling and such, but, this is illustration code, not production-ready code.

You may notice that we used stack allocation for f (file name) instead of dynamic allocation (malloc()), which is one of the first things people associate with “real time software”. It’s interesting enough to deserve a side-bar.

Dynamic memory allocation in RTSW

You’ve probably heard the “you can’t have dynamic memory allocation in RTSW”. Which is mostly true, but it also depends on your allocator and what you use the memory for.

There are some real-time memory allocators. For example, the stack-memory allocator is real time, because it always does just a few instructions. Also, there are some “bitmap” allocators that are real-time (time-bound).

If you use such allocators for features that are “OK” to fail if you exhaust your dynamic memory, then you’re OK, too. So, music playing in our elevator can allocate buffers via dynamic memory and stop playing, or, say, restart the tune when out of memory. But, the elevator control can’t use dynamic allocation, because it must not fail.

On with the show - remove recursion

It is not strictly prohibited to use recursion in RTSW. But, you can’t use boundless recursion. That is, if you know / can prove that your recursion will be at most N levels deep and that you do have enough memory for the stack in that case, you’re OK.

For example, say you’re developing SW for a cross-bar switch. Finding a path to connect two points can be recursive, in general, because the upper bound for the level of recursion is the number of rods/bars that you can (cross-)connect. Because it doesn’t make sense to connect twice to the same bar for the same connection. So, if the number of bars is small enough to fit in your available stack memory, you’re good.

But, obviously, a directory tree can be very deep and overflow the stack memory.

So, we need to remove the recursion.

In general, this involves handling the stack ourselves. In this case, the stack is that of (sub-)directories to delete.

By default, one would make either a list or an array to represent said stack. If using a list, it would take elements from a pool (an array, usually). In both cases, one would need to know the maximum level of the stack (in our case, depth of the directory tree). In some situations, you might know that (like the cross-bar example). But, for directories, you mostly don’t. The whole point is for one to be able to nest them directories.

But, we can observe that this “stack of directories” has a well known representation - the dir/subdir/subdir..... So, instead of keeping a stack, we can simply keep a string. We start with:


then we have:




and once that is done, we’re back at:


basically, just add and remove the last dir from the string, maintaining a stack “inside” the string.

A nice point here is that, on most systems, there is some reasonable limit on how much chars can there be in a file-path, at most. Sure, we all have cursed some SW that can’t handle paths longer than 260 characters, thus can’t copy some backups that accumulate such long paths. But, in general, it’s not reasonable to expect a user to type such long paths or use them in any meaningful way. So, there is some MAX_PATH to be used for a particular system (and we already used it in the “everyday” code).

Now, we can refactor our deleter:

int delete_dir(char const* dirname)
    char dirstack[MAX_PATH + 1];
    int  rslt = 0;

    snprintf(dirstack, sizeof dirstack, "%s", dirname);
    while ((0 == rslt) && (dirstack[0] != '\0')) {
        bool pushed = false;
        DIR* dir    = opendir(dirstack);
        if (NULL == dir) {
            rslt = -1;
        do {
            char           f[MAX_PATH + 1];
            struct stat    statbuf;
            struct dirent* entry = readdir(dir);
            if (NULL == entry) {
            if (!strcmp(entry->d_name, ".")
                || !strcmp(entry->d_name, "..")) {
                     sizeof f,
            rslt = stat(f, &statbuf);
            if (0 == rslt) {
                if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {
                    strcpy(dirstack, f);
                    pushed = true;
                else {
                    rslt = remove(f);
        } while (0 == rslt);

        if (!pushed && (rslt == 0)) {
            rslt = remove(dirstack);

    return rslt;

If you missed it, we have a new helper function:

static void pop(char* dirstack)
    char* s = strrchr(dirstack, '/');
    if (s != NULL) {
        *s = '\0';
    else {
        *dirstack = '\0';

This code is significantly more complex and harder to reason about than the “everyday” code.

But, we have solved the problem of recursion and are not using any dynamic allocation. Sure, opendir() might use some, but, let’s assume that this is some “real time POSIX” and that this is “OK”.

Are we done? No, not really…

You’d better stop

Just like we can’t have memory-boundless code, we can’t have time-boundless code. But, since directory tree can be deep, it is, for all intents and purposes, boundless.

In the elevator, the much plays while the car is moving. So, our SW has to control direction and speed of the car and brakes to stop the car, all in the same time as playing music. qOne CPU (core) can’t do all of that really at the same time, but we can do most of the stuff “fully” when we need to do them. But, deleting a directory tree can be very time consuming for big trees, so we can’t just stop doing everyting else.

So, we have to do what we often do in RTSW: “break up long calculations”. We have to allocate some time to do the work, stop once it’s exhausted, then come back later and do some more, repeating that until we’re done.

This usually involves maintaining some state, usually via some Finite State Machine. But, in this case, we’re lucky, sort of. The filesystem is such a state and it’s already maintained. So, we’re OK with simply stopping and “re-trying” the next time.

How we come up with the amount of time to allocate is very system-dependent, so our function will get a new parameter that defines this:

int delete_dir(char const* dirname, int ms_limit)
    char            dirstack[MAX_PATH + 1];
    struct timespec tend;
    int rslt = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tend);
    if (0 == rslt) {
        tend.tv_nsec =
            (tend.tv_nsec + ms_limit * NANO_IN_MILLI)
            % NANO_IN_UNIT;
        tend.tv_sec +=
            (tend.tv_nsec + ms_limit * NANO_IN_MILLI)
            / NANO_IN_UNIT;

    snprintf(dirstack, sizeof dirstack, "%s", dirname);
    while ((0 == rslt) && (dirstack[0] != '\0')) {
        bool pushed = false;
        DIR* dir    = opendir(dirstack);
        if (NULL == dir) {
            rslt = -1;
        do {
            char           f[MAX_PATH + 1];
            struct stat    statbuf;
            struct dirent* entry;

            if (are_we_there_yet(&tend)) {
                rslt = +1;
            entry = readdir(dir);
            if (NULL == entry) {
            if (!strcmp(entry->d_name, ".")
                || !strcmp(entry->d_name, "..")) {
                     sizeof f,
            rslt = stat(f, &statbuf);
            if (0 == rslt) {
                if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {
                    strcpy(dirstack, f);
                    pushed = true;
                else {
                    rslt = remove(f);
        } while (0 == rslt);

        if (!pushed && (rslt == 0)) {
            rslt = remove(dirstack);

    return rslt;

Yes, we acquired a new helper function:

static bool are_we_there_yet(struct timespec* there)
    struct timespec t;
    int rslt = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t);
    if (rslt != 0) {
        return true;
    return (t.tv_sec > there->tv_sec)
           || ((t.tv_sec == there->tv_sec)
               && (t.tv_nsec > there->tv_nsec));

and some constants:

#define NANO_IN_MILLI (1000*1000)
#define MILLI_IN_UNIT 1000

Here we’re using clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC,...) to keep track of time, but, that’s just to “keep us within POSIX”, any similar API would do.

Obviously, this is even more complex now, and harder to use - we need to figure out the amount of milliseconds to pass to this function and we have to handle +1 as an indicator “call me later”.

But, what about threads/tasks?

You’re probably wondering about RTOS-es and their support for tasks/threads. We could run this in such a (real-time) thread and not worry about time spent. Couldn’t we?

Well, first, a lot of RTSW doesn’t have a RTOS, or the RTOS is simply “not up to the task”.

But, more fundamentally, using threads involves some coordination, possibly locks. Locks often “grace us” with deadlocks or priority inversion and such nice things, and we obviously can’t have those. There is the famous story of the Mars Pathfinder Lander SW that crashed on the surface of Mars because of a deadlock - not to be confused with the Mars Polar Lander that physically crashed, for unknown reasons.

Even without locks, you’ll have some “atomics”, which often degrade the performance and make “deadline calculations” much harder. These often “grace us” with “lockless algorithms”, which are notoriously hard to implement without bugs, besides being hard on deadlines.

Thus, in general, putting “long calculations” in tasks/threads is most often not the way to go in RTSW, at least not for essential features. Tasks/threads are mostly to encapsulate different things that the RTSW does and are triggered on specific events, like timers (“periodic tasks”) or pin status change (representing state of an elevator push button, for example). For the most part, they abstract the CPU intterupts/exceptions and provide some higher-level way of controlling them.

Moral of the story

Real-time software is harder to develop simply because it has more things to consider/handle than “everyday” SW, even some specific software as Web Servers.

But, the good news is that you can, often, start from an everyday piece of code, and mold it into RTSW in a more-or-less systematic way. Even if refactoring later looses any semblence of the original code, still, you can have a not-so-rocky path to v1.0.

Written on April 21, 2018