👨‍🔧 C++ non-virtual dynamic dispatch

C++ provides dynamic dispatch via virtual functions. Most common implementation uses “v-tables”, with each object having a pointer to said v-table. In some cases, this is undesireable. There are other reasons to avoid virtual functions and here we present a low-effort way of doing so.

Recap: Dynamic dispatch, what is it?

Dynamic dispatch is a form of polymorphism. If we have a pointer or reference to a base class, we would like to call a “polymorphic” member function on it and have the function of the actual class be called. The usual example is with some pets:

class Animal {
    virtual void sound() = 0;

class Dog : public Animal {
    void sound() override { std::cout << "Aw-aw!\n"; }
class Cat : public Animal {
    void sound() override { std::cout << "Meow!\n"; }

So, if we have an Animal* p and call p->sound(), what we get will depend on the actual object “behind the pointer”.


The usual way of providing for dynamic dispatch in C++ is for the compiler to generate a table of function pointers, put a pointer to said table in each Animal-derived class and fill it with pointers to the correct virtual functions.

Something like this was done in the cfront, the first C++ compiler, which generated C code:

struct Animal_vtable {
    void (*sound)(Animal* this);

void Dog_sound(Animal* this) { puts("Aw-aw"); }
struct Dog {
    Animal_vtable vtable;
Animal_vtable Dog_vtable = { Dog_sound };
void Dog_construct(Dog* p) { p->vtable = Dog_vtable; }

struct Cat {
    Animal_vtable vtable;
void Cat_sound(Animal* this) { puts("Meow"); }
Animal_vtable Cat_vtable = { Cat_sound };
void Cat_construct(Cat* p) { p->vtable = Cat_vtable; }

There are other possible ways of implementing C++ virtual function based dynamic dispatch, but v-tables are the only one used in practice.

Why avoid virtual functions?

The fundamental problem lies with v-tables. They occupy some memory in each object, which can be a lot, especially in embedded or otherwise constrained systems.

In context of multiple inheritance, v-tables pose even greater issues, and that’s why you usually hear that you should avoid multiple inheritance in C++ and why C++ inspired OO languages, like Java and C#, dismiss multiple inheritance altogether.

There are also some language-level issues, like knowing when a functions was overrided or not (especially in C++98, when there was no override keyword), made more complex because of function overloading.

Finally, v-tables are slow. Here’s what goes on:

void Animal_sound(Animal* this) {

No, I’m not stuttering, there are two this-es there. It took C++ compilers more than 30 years to start eliminating these slow calls, and they are still not doing a great job (but do waste significant time and (electric) energy trying).

Why not do it like in the C examples above?

Because it’s tedious and error prone. Yes, some C frameworks actually do something like this and some C++ “ports” of such frameworks do, to.

But, having done similar things myself a few times, I must say that, for more than a few small and closely-held classes, this is not worth it.

Motivating example

Say you have an embedded real-time system that you’d like to debug. Since it handles a lot of events in small time, you can’t use a debugger and you can’t save the events in a log file to examine.

You save the events in memory, in some kind of buffer and, when the test has run its course, transfer this buffer to a computer for study (say, via UART or Ethernet).

Now, this is a constrained system, not much memory there. So, you don’t hold strings, but several different classes for different events that you want to analyze. Saving them, converting them to CSV or JSON or whatever, is, of course, different for each. But, having a v-table in each log record (object) is overkill and you need to save some ID of the record type anyway (for offline analysis). These are usually called “typecodes”.

On with the show

What we want is a way of doing not-much-more than what we do in “regular” C++. Adding a declaration of a virtual function in base C++ class and defining the overriding functions in derived classes. We do expect to do more than that, of course, but, not much more.

Foremost, we want to avoid having to “manually” dispatch based on typecodes and having to manually call some “registration” function to register our class/virtual function. This is very error prone.

The tricks we wil use are constexpr and CRTP (Curriously Recurring Template Pattern).

Let’s start with typecodes. Let’s use an enum:

enum log_event {

Since they are easy to add and it’s useful to have them in one place (where you can actually assing values to the symbols, if you wish), we will not try to avoid typecodes, even though there are some borderline- valid ways to do that.

Then we have the “virtual function declaration”:

using fn_print = void (*)(base const&, char const*);
static fn_print a_print[max_log_event];

Yes, it’s a little more verbose than in plain C++, but, you only do it once per virtual function.

Unfortunately, we can’t have “pure” abstract functions, we need to implement the dynamic dispatch in the base class:

struct base {
    uint16_t              diff_us : 13;
    const log_event       ev      : 3;

    void print(char const* s) const { a_print[ev](*this, s); }

    base(log_event e) : ev(e) {}

You can see that we have another member, diff_us, the difference, in microseconds, since the previous log entry, and we are short on memory, so we are packing with bit-fields.

Also, we disallow changing of the ev typecode after construction, giving a similar level of protection as with v-tables.

That’s for the intro, now comes the “main event”, the helper, CRTP class to be used by all log entry classes:

template <class T, event_log evl> struct base_crtp : base {
    static const event_log evl_id_;
    static void call_print(base const& b, char const* s)
        static_cast<T const&>(o).print(s);
    static constexpr dog register()
        return a_print[evl] = call_print, evl;
    base_crtp() : base(evl_id_) {}
template <class T, event_log evl>
const dog base_crtp<T, evl>::evl_id_ = base_crtp<T, evl>::register();

This CRTP class is used to “automagically”:

  • set-up the “virtual function pointer entry”
  • set the type-code

As we can see, the constexpr function register is used from a definition of the static constant data member evl_id_, which means it will not occupy any memory. It will, as a side-effect initialize the virtual function point entry. A good optimizing compiler will actually just put the call_print<T> in the a_print[evl] memory, w/out any generated code.

A more recent C++ compiler will allow for avoiding the comma operator in the constexpr function, making for nicer-looking code.

The thing is, now there’s very little work to do to implement the derived class:

struct log_ext_ev_1 : base_crtp<log_ext_ev_1, external_ev_1> {
    void print(char const* s) {
	   // whatever is appropriate for `log_ext_ev_1`
	/// whatever else you need here...

So, this is just a little more than C++ virtual functions.


This should actually be faster than v-tables. The “dispatch” function in base is inlined, so, this is just a call to a function from a static array, which is fater than vtable, which is in a pointer in the object - both not known at build time.

The call_XXX<> should also be inlined, because the CRTP is instantiated when the class is defined, so, it will “see” the XXX virtual function in the derived class.

Other than that, you can have the typecodes “in whatever form you like them”, which can save significant memory.

Also, this does not influence your destructors in any way. Whether you choose to have a virtual destructor or not is not influenced by having one or more these “CRTP induced” non-virtual dynamically dispatched functions.

Once the groundwork is done, this is not much more work than adding a new virtual function and is scarecely any more work than adding a new class.


You may make a typo and give the typecode for another derived class as the argument to the CRTP class. This can be caught with an assert in the constexpr register function, which would check if the entry in the dispatch table is already filled.

Also the dispatch function in base could assert that the entry for the typecode is not empty (nullptr) before calling it.

Some other uses

Your typecodes need not be integers. Could be strings, for example. Of course, then you won’t be able to (ab)use arrays, but some unordered_map<> or some such thing, which will be slower, but, you might not care about speed.

You might already have some typecodes. For example, you might be handling some protocol, where the messages have their IDs which are carried in the message contents. Handling them, (pretty) printing them, and such, can then be done on the messages “themselves”, provided that you can make your compiler align the struct message correctly.

You might have typecodes in some database, or some (configuration) files.

Also, one class “hierarchy” can do some stuff for a typecode, while other(s) can do other stuff, but all will be linked via the typecode, while no such connection can exist with virtual functions, whereas one hierarchy has nothing to do with the other (lest you combine them via multiple inheritance, which you most probably don’t want to do).

In such cases, it’s actually useful that there is a “traceable” line from the already existing typecode to your class that implements some functions pertaing to said typecode.

The compile-time counter

There are several implementations of compile time counters in C++ on the Internet. Some use obsolete language features, some have big limitations, or other issues, some are hard to figure out if they are legal. In general, one should probably steer clear away from such things.

If you really don’t care about the values of the typecodes, you can always do some preprocessing of your own. For example, use something like:

struct log_ext_ev_1 : base_crtp<log_ext_ev_1, @@NEXT_LOG_EVENT> {

Then have a simple script that would go through the source code and replace each @@NEXT_LOG_EVENT with subsequent numbers, and then also replace @@MAX_LOG_EVENT:

static fn_print a_print[@@MAX_LOG_EVENT];

Also, in a future version of the C++ standard, there might be some provisions for making something like a compile-time counter, especially with compile-time reflection and code generation (insertion).

Moral of the story

Just because a programming language (C++ in this case) provides a facility to achieve something, doesn’t mean you have to use said facility. You can achieve that in other ways, if you need other characteristics of the solution. Just don’t make it too hard or fragile, ‘cause then it probably won’t be worth it.

Written on October 1, 2020